Welcome To Our Innovative Pump Solutions


Discover the journey of cutting-edge technology in the oil industry. Get ready to embrace a new era of efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

How It Works

We pride ourselves on providing superior pump solutions for the oil industry. Contact us today to learn more about how our products can benefit your operations.

Our Advantages

Our pumps are designed for reliable, long-life, and efficient pumping in various well types including crooked, deviated, directional, and horizontal wells. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Offshore Applications: Lightweight (3000lbs), small footprint (72’ x 54’), balanced fluid columns, and a multi-well pumping use make this System ideal for use on offshore platforms.

  • Elimination of Rod Wear: We have permanently eliminated rod wear by replacing rods with an inner tubing string.

  • Elimination of Tubing Wear: The removal of rods has led to the permanent elimination of tubing wear.

  • Increased Efficiency: Our design reduces electrical usage by two-thirds, contributing to cost savings.

  • Improved Reliability: Our simple design has only one moving part and no moving part crosses a seam, enhancing reliability.

  • Extended Pump Life: The incorporation of a 21-foot stroke length extends the pump life.

  • High Compression Design: Our pump design has a high compression ratio (524:1), reducing the possibility of gas lock.

  • Easy Installation and Retrieval: Both installation and retrieval are accomplished using the inner tubing string.

  • Adjustable Pump Rate: The pump rate can be adjusted by a timer or computer, either onsite or remotely.

  • Easily Obtainable Replacement Components: Replacement components for the surface unit can be easily obtained from national companies such as H-F, FMC, Forum (formerly Baker), Bettis, United Electric, EADS, etc.

  • Multiple Well Operation: Multiple wells can be operated in close proximity to a single surface unit.

  • Low Profile Design: Our low profile design avoids interference in multiple-use areas, such as irrigation.

  • Low Noise: Our pumps operate with low noise, making them unobtrusive in urban areas.